Chicago EST.1837 recently caught up with young rising hiphop artist "Joel Quentez"
1. Introduce yourself & what you stand for as an artist.
Whats up My Name Is Joel Quentez. Im an artist from chicago who stands on bringing change to way people look at the rap culture and the stereotypes it holds.
2. What inspired you to become a serious about your craft?
What made me become serious with rapping is actually after everyone said I was good. I wanted confirmation from the public about my skill before I began my career.
3. Rather dead or alive what artist would be a dream collaboration for you?
Dead or alive my dream collab would be a song with j.cole or pharrell.
4. How do you deal with writers block?
When I have writers block, I just go out to different areas and observe different things to give my mind rest then from there, Im right back writing.
5. Any projects, singles or videos we should be on the lookout for this year?
I've put out two projects this year one is called "Never Stop Grinding" hosted by Dj Honorz and the ep I drops in July is called "OverTime" hosted by Dj Honorz as well. Check "em" out.
6. Where do you see yourself within this industry 3-5 years from now?
In 3-5 years I see myself having a distribution deal with a major label and traveling the us/overaseas doing shows and making classic records for all people.
Follow his progress..
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