Chicago Est.1837 Recently Caught Up With Indie Artist "Wes Kardigan"
1. Introduce yourself and what you stand for as an artist?
Hello World my name is Wes Kardigan. What I stand for as an artist is the mid-90's to the early 2000's era of hip-hop that embraces and intertwines with today's music but still is enlightening, skillful, witty and refreshing.
2. What inspired you to become serious in the music business?
What inspired me to become serious about the music business is the fact that I have a gift for writing, producing and performing that I want to share with the world and help bring back a balance in our choice of mainstream hip-hop. Being able to have more of a variety of songs to listen to as oppose to hearing the same old 10-20 records from the same 5-10 acts 24/7.
3. Favorite album of all time & how it inspired you?
I honestly do not have an all-time favorite album. However, off top for inspiration I go to Kanye's "THE COLLEGE DROPOUT". It inspired me from the aspect of it was thought-provoking, well-balanced, well-marketed, soulful, humorous & it connected with the average everyday blue collar person while simultaneously "DOING NUMBERS" from a music consumer-buying standpoint. It possessed that feel of "THIS IS HOW I WANT MY ALBUM TO SOUND LIKE, THIS IS MY STARTING POINT/BLUEPRINT".
4. How do u deal with writers block?
By not forcing myself to just write for the sake of writing and not paying too much attention to radio are the best ways for me to deal with writer's block. But when I'm "IN MY ZONE", it usually comes in spurts.
5. The game has changed, whats your view on today's hip hop?
My view on today's hip-hop is that it is really not inspirational to me as an artist. It's more about the powers that be dictating to the masses (majority being the youth that can be easily-influenced & manipulated) what they should consider hip-hop to be. Too many one-dimensional acts. Too many clowns trying to the be ringleader of the circus. Sex sells, money sells, liquor sells, murder sells I get all of that, despite the fact they are all in "overkill mode". It's too many "say what I want to hear" and not enough "say what I need to hear" acts to create a balance within the mainstream. Everybody is not hating on you dog it's just everyone is not going to gravitate to your music like you think. That's just a part of life. The only thing that stays the same about the game is that it "doesn't stay the same". It will continue to change and evolve.
6. Where do you see yourself the next few years?
In the next few years, I see myself having a career as oppose to a job in the field of music. Touring, producing possibly branching off into acting and just basically helping the next man/woman fulfill their dreams and aspirations.
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