Chicago Est.1837 Recently Caught Up With Indie Artist "NOD"
1. Introduce yourself & what you stand for as an artist.
NOD YOUNG CHOP RECORDING ARTIST OF 8TMG/CHOPSQUAD & I AM ALSO C.E.O OF ALPHASQUAD. I stand for being honest with my Music and real with myself & Others, Creativity and over All Shine For my City.
2. What part of the city are you from & how has it influenced your music?
SouthSide of Chicago Auburn Gresham/Englewood Community a Rough Community for those that Don't know. I Speak To My life events in my music.
3. How do you deal with writers block?
I dont know how to deal with writers block cause I Don't write.. Every thing from my Hooks to my verses are original freestyles that I never use a pin or pad on..wat helps me keep up with wat i create so i wont forget is the beat patterns I store my thoughts around the beat so once I have created the song in my head I remember it again once I hear the beat... so no Writers block.
4. Name your favorite Hip Hop album of all time & how it influenced your music grind.
Kriss Kross-KrossOut , The Notorious B.I.G-Ready To Die, YoungJeezy-Thug Motivation 101 & up, lil wayne - Da Carter 1 & DaCarter 2, JayZ-Black Album & 8tmg album. Kriss Kross is wat made me want to be a Rapper.. but lil wayne & young jeezy influenced Me on the Scale Where I Seen u can be Real An A Hot Artist at the Same Time With Swag
5. How did the situation with 8tmg/Chopsquad come about?
Well I knew Most of 8tmg members Most of they Life's like King Rell , Loui Baggs , YB johnny may cash & Young Chop all of them are younger then me & from the Same neighborhood But Rampage of 8tmg is my Blood Brother same mother same Father we Grow up under the Same Roof an he is also A Co Founder of 8tmg an Young Chops First Artist so in 2013 of October Rampage ASKED Me To Join The Crew As it's Newest Member An That's How it Happened My loyalty is To my brother.
6. Tell us what we can expect from you these next few years.
To be more known Then I am now in so many words I'm Shooting For The Star's.
Follow His Progress...
Instagram: Nod8tmg
Twitter: Nod8tmg
Facebook: Nod8tmg
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