Chicago EST.1837 recently caught up with young rising artist "J-Rob"
1. Introduce yourself and what you stand for as an artist.
My name is J- Rob and I’m from Grand Rapids, MI. As an artist I stand for positivity and challenging yourself each day to become a better person than the day before. I’m not perfect, nor do I claim to be, but I move with a mindset knowing that I have a platform to help create change for the better. Everything about me is real. I don’t hide behind a stage name, I don’t hide the man my experiences have made me. Everything I speak on is 100% authentic.
2. When did you decide to make a career of music, and what inspired that?
Music has always been something important to me ever since I was a kid. When I was young my family moved around a lot, and I would link up with different artists and groups from those cities just to work on music. That is where I believe most of the versatility in my music comes from. I wrote my first song when I was 12 years old. It was in the fall of ‘09 when I really took a look at where my music could take my life and decided to take steps to make that vision become reality.
3. Whats been the most memorable moment since?
A lot of great things have happened, but to be honest, I’m going with the present. Winning The Source Unsigned Hype placement in Chicago is the greatest by far! I have been a die hard fan of the Source since I was young. All of the greats, Tupac, Biggie, Nas, Jay-Z, I had their covers taped to my bedroom walls. To have the opportunity to have a piece of my story be placed in a magazine that holds so much history, yeah I can’t deny that to be one of the greatest accomplishments so far.
4. How do you deal with writers-block?
Writer’s block…I hate it!! LOL!! I like to be real strategic in my approach to writing, I want what I’m saying to come out perfect. Some tracks may take all of 20 minutes to knock out, some may take a few days to get right, just depends on the vibe I have at the time. When I get that block I usually try to take a full break from writing, like an hour or two, if I can’t just hammer through that mental road block. But yeah, Absolutely hate it!!!
5. Tell us about your hometown and how you represent it.
I have lived in a lot of places in the Midwest, but there are two places that I can really call home and that is Grand Rapids, MI and Chicago IL. No matter where or what city my family moved to, we would eventually come back to Grand Rapids. I represent for all of Michigan though, it is all home sweet home to me. I was born in South Haven, MI, AKA The Zone, then moved to GR since I was 2 years old. As I got a little older I got into some trouble from time to time, so I moved with my grandmother to the West Side of Chicago. I have always loved the big city and all of the opportunities provided if you are willing to grind. Chicago helped expand my thinking. Big City, Bigger Dreams. Grand Rapids is home to some of the most talented people in the country, and I feel I can say not only with pride, but the record shows there is something special about this place. The Debarge Family, Willie the Kid, La the Darkman, Adina Howard, and the list could go on musically. Not to mention P4P #1 Boxer in the World Floyd “Money” Mayweather and World Middleweight Champion Peter “Kid Chocolate”Quillin, it is proven that the city’s brightest can shine on ANY stage, no matter how big.
I go hard to represent that same fearlessness and tenacity at every show no matter where I’m at because I really don’t know anything different. Those before me have shown that you can go wherever you wanna be. Success knows no limitations, certainly not a city. Work Hard, go get it!!
6. Dead Or alive if you could feature with one artist, who & why?
That’s a tough one!! I’m riding with Kanye West. Honestly I was a huge fan before his actual first major album dropping and followed not only his career as a lyricist, but people forget his production is crazy and he has been on some of the most celebrated hip hop albums period. He is from Chicago did things his way. He is one of the greatest in my opinion.
7. Whats next for you? Where do you see the grind taking you in the next 3 years?
I have two majors music projects that I have cooking up and I’m excited to push and get out to the people. One is a collaboration album with another extremely talented emcee by the name of Lady Ace. As a group we are called The Great Ones. We will be announcing the release date of that project soon. I am also working on my solo project working with some great people from all over the Midwest. Things are in a great place. Within the next three years I see myself making a very good living doing what I love, which is performing and giving the people my story. Tours, distribution deal, continually perfecting my craft, and giving people quality music. I also see my company, GoodLifeCampaign, being in a position to help a lot of people financially and continuing to push our message of striving to be the best you can be and taking care of your family. People try to put the entire hip hop culture into this box of gun toting, molly popping, stripper tipping rappers that could careless about anything but themselves. While those things may represent/misrepresent some, we know that there are more people that love hip hop/rap and isn’t that. That genuinely love Hip Hop, the culture, and making a positive difference. We all want our families to live good and we will work hard for it. GoodLifeCampaign.
Follow J-Rob's Progress...
@jrobscampaign on Twitter and Instagram
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