Chicago EST.1837 recently caught up with young rising artist "Ricky Lance"
1. How do you feel about being a new artist in today's internet driven music industry?
I love it and I love that I get the chance to be a part of it. The great ones sold their music out the trunk of their cars and look what they were able to accomplish. The fact with a click of a few buttons anyone can share their passions with the world, the possibilities are limitless.
2. You also perform in live stage plays. Which do u prefer to hit the stage for, music or theater?
I’d have to go with music primarily because I get to tell my own story rather than someone else’s, but both have their own special pull on me. With theater I get to become someone else and escape my reality for a couple hours but with music I get to share my reality with the world and remain myself, which is a lot more personal.
3. How do you deal with writers block?
As weird as this may sound, my shower has always been my personal sanctuary, so I go take a shower. I cut the lights off, cut myself off from the world and just think for a while.
4. What was the inspiration behind your debut project?
Life and growing up. I went to college and started growing apart mentally from people that I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. I want more of my youth than partying and I watched a lot of people get sucked into that mindset. My defining moment was seeing my other older brother perform in his middle school play. It was my first exposure to high quality live entertainment and it blew my mind, it was something I had to be apart of.
5. What are some of your early music memories that influenced your decision to become an artist?
I developed my passion through my two older brothers. My eldest brother was the first person I saw treat music like a business and not just as that thing on the radio. He opened my eyes to the fact the music world could be shaped and influenced by normal people.
6. What are "must haves" for you in the studio?
Working in a studio located on a college campus the main “must have” is quiet. There were multiple occasions where my producer, Rodger Dent, and I had to call off studio sessions because the background noise was just too much. Outside of quiet all I really need is a bottle of water and good vibes and I’m ready to go.
7. How old were you when you wrote your 1st song?
The first complete song I wrote was actually my freshman year of high school which is cool because now being a freshman in college I have my first complete project.
8. What are your expectations as a songwriter/artist?
Dream big dreams, because small ones have no magic. I expect billboard top 100, award shows and a personal goal of mine is Coachella. Most importantly I want my music and my songs to reach people on a personal level. All my life music has gotten me through tough moments and I really want to be able be that friend for people when they’re alone.
Follow Ricky's Progress...
Twitter: @_RickyLance
Instagram: @_RickyLance
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