Chicago EST.1837 recently caught up with rising hiphop artist "Prophet Rothstein".
1. Introduce your self to the people.
I go by Prophet Rothstein formally known as B.O.N 1/3 of the group Savivas Ent (SAV) hailing outta the west Englewood neighborhood of Chicago.
2. When did you decide to make a career out of Music and what inspired that?
I would have to say the fall/winter season of 2010 and honestly I was inspired buy by the people around me who were already making music I’ve always played with words poetry ect, the more they herd me just playing wit it the more I was motivated and pushed to take it serious so I begin to learn how to put these words into song format count bars write schemes and make dope music.
3. What’s been the most memorable moment of your grind thus far?
To be honest my most memorable moment occurred just recently getting on the road with my team and the other members of my group Traveling to Atlanta for the A3C festival, after doing so much locally and seeing the same faces every where it was refreshing to reach out to a whole new market of people experience the culture of road life and just the culture you always listen to in music from the south, that road really opens your mind and frees your thoughts, and the southern hospitality is second to none
4. How do you deal with writers block?
Well it use to be roll up and just catch a vibe but now it’s a lil different not smoking so I’m forced to really reach for fresh ideas new concepts and subject matter, I look at what going on around me, I pull from things going on in my friends lives and try to relate as much possible, jot those things down and daily go over them until it hits me, sometimes that takes a while but you gotta come outta that comfort zone that’s the only way.
5. Dead or alive if you could feature with one artist dead or alive, who? And why?
My answer for that is hands down YOUNG JEEZY, his flow is unique, voice raspy and real D boy talk,trap talk, I relate so much, of course there are other key artist I’d love to work with but a track with me and “young” would definitely reach number 1 on the billboard charts, I’d definitely hold my own.
6. What are you currently promoting or working on?
My single “Chevy music” which is more like a modern rags to riches D boy anthem, really personifying the grind from the bottom to the top, from a Chevy to a Beamer, it’s the lead single off my first project, “LSD” which is still in production.
7. Where do you see your self in the next 3-5 yrs?
Heading a label deal of my own, heavy on the road grinding and putting other artist into play established enough to fund other projects and merchandising, I see my self on top of the billboard 100 charts.
Follow info
Snapchat: young O.G
INSTAGRAM: bigolniggashit
Instagram: savivas ent
Facebook: Bon Rothstein
Facebook: savivas ent
SoundCloud: savivas ent
Youtube: savivas entv
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