Sheepish but sincere, Derrick Rose diverted his eyes from the CNN interviewer who asked the kid from Englewood why gun crime was so bad in Chicago. As Rose looked away, you wondered whose faces popped into his head while delivering an answer as accurate as his new jump shot. You imagined Rose picturing himself as a lucky little boy on the South Side who grew up poor but protected from all the bullets because of how he played basketball. "It all starts with poverty, people just surviving and people just really trying to get out," Rose told CNN's Pedro Pinto in an important but largely overlooked interview during Rose's recent European marketing tour with Adidas. In a sit-down conversation that lasted only 2 minutes, 25 seconds, Rose offered the most compelling content during recent interviews without even addressing whether he was 100 percent - unless that referred to a commitment to improving his crime-infested hometown.
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