72 Hour Nightmare in Roseland is a powerful Documentary about a sad but true story in Chicago. An 11 year old boy named Robert "Yummy" Sandifer choice of bad actions were so un real that everybody wished that it was a bad dream. This 11 year old boy had 23 Felonies and 5 Misdemeanors before his death. The courts couldn't prosecute him because he was so young. Gang Leaders knew that and sent him to do their dirty work because he wouldn't get in trouble if caught.
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Poor boy. He was too young to even know better and be taught the right way. It takes some low people to think it is ok to have someone so young do their dirty work. I understand they did it so they wouldn't get in trouble, but grow up. If it's that bad then maybe you need to find something else to do with your life. Even if you are born into that world, anyone can change their outcome in life.
Poor boy. He was too young to even know better and be taught the right way. It takes some low people to think it is ok to have someone so young do their dirty work. I understand they did it so they wouldn't get in trouble, but grow up. If it's that bad then maybe you need to find something else to do with your life. Even if you are born into that world, anyone can change their outcome in life.